
Lucky Cat Attack

Hello! and welcome to one of the most interesting public forums forgotten to man. Yes, a public forum revolving around the world of crazia and all of its beautiful creatures and beings. Like the Maneki Neko (Lucky Cat) pictured above, not many people have ever seen one let alone noticed one of these sculptures despite the fact that it is in pretty much every Asian (and even non) influenced restaurant, shop, or nail salon (duh) for the basic fact that it is said to "beckon" good fortune with its swinging upright paw. Maneki Neko translates literally to Beckoning Cat, so no it's not waving at you Americans, it just wants your money so give it.

Tying this concept to where you are right now, the idea that these cats could be all over the world and no one even notices them trascends into a deeper parallel issue. Know what a crazian is? Doubt it, but they're all around you like these lucky cats and you fail to see. On the street as a stranger? or over your house as a friend?, these people need to finally be seen and praised for their true place in the world! This is a site dedicated to exhibiting crazians at their best through photos and video complemented by your thoughts. You'll start to see the first batch go up, and from there send in your own once you're inspired and aware and only the best will be chosen to represent crazians at their best! In the hopes of finding...the ultimate crazian! Begin!

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